Long time no see!! Then, COOL team was attending a training course in Sofia about the praticalities of EVS. It was a chance for us to experiment non-formal education as students but also to create a network among volunteers in Bulgaria.

The training took place in a hotel in Sofia. The activities were facilitated in a non-formal way. We can describe a session like this: first, it starts with an energizer, then we were asked to do semething creative and we finished the session by feedbacks and talks.
The main aim of the sessions was, according to COOL team, to link up volunteers. Of course it was also good for personnal improvement but create a dynamic among volunteers in the country was the key.
The time we shared all together allowed us to discuss about our respective projects. We can distinguish them in two categories I guess. First there are projects about media and second, those about non-formal education.
One of the challenges in that training course was to work on an international scale of communication. Indeed, there was 12 nationalities in the room. We all came from 11 different cities in Bulgaria (Razlog, Varna, Sliven, Sofia, Ruse, Vlahi, Trevel, Veliko Tarnovo, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Plovdiv).
The network we created there is one more tool for us to create bigger project by using the contact we made to create some partnership. We really hope to organize some pieces of art and some workshop in a collaborative spirit with other EVS teams in the country.
We are really thankfull to all the collabortaors in Erasmus+ programme that gave us a chance, European commission, Erasmus+ national agency in Bulgraria and of course, our hosting organisation- International Initiatives for Cooperation...and special thanks to our trainning facilitator Katerina Stoyanova!!
Looking foward to seeing you in our new projects...
