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Smile & Feel the music


On Tuesday, August, 7th 2018, Razlog Museum Park turned into a real performance stage !

The International Initiatives for Cooperation (IIC) volunteers organized a street dance battle for the Summer Academy‘s last week before IIC summer break. Three teams named by the kids “Stars”, “Tiger” and “Minions” competed with each other following the rhythm of Bulgarian and International music. That kind of activity helped the kids build their self-confidence and self-expression skills. Performing in front of an audience is not very easy! So, a big cheer for the dancers!

Here are samples of the dance battle playlist:

- Ricky Martin : Vente Pa’Ca

- Indila : Dernière danse

- Krisko : Gledai Kak se pravi

- Jain : Makeba

- Bruno Mars : 24K Magic

We kept on using music for the following games. We played the human mirror and the human puppet. For both games, kids are in couple. The human mirror game is about reproducing what your partner is doing as a real mirror. The human puppet is about making your partner move as a puppet.

The key to succeed in these games is to make very slow moves following the rhythm of the music, so that your partner can follow you. These games are very calm and powerful as kids try to communicate and connect with their dance partner without talking. They contribute to improve the kids’ concentration skills and listening abilities with their partners.

Here are some songs we used for these games:

- Yann Tiersen : Naval

- Des’ree – I am kissing you

- Zara – Hasretinden Yandi Gönlüm

- Prebburger – Tumbalalaika

Enjoy the music vibes!



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