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Help me to save the bee - Be(e) aware


On Tuesday the 28th of May 2019 the volunteers from “Community of Open Learners”

project (COOL) of the organization “International Initiatives for Cooperation” (IIC)

implemented the “Be(e) Aware” - workshop in “Yane Sandanski” - school.

The workshop informed the students about the bee itself, its importance for the environment and economy and the issue of the death of bees. All informations were presented in form of an presentation by the volunteer Janina Makrutzki from Germany, who has been the leading figure in planning and implementation of the workshop. To make the information accessible to all of the students, kindly a participant offered his help for translations from English to Bulgarian.

After the informative part of the workshop followed the praxis. All students got to know how they can create out of bamboos and paper their own bee hotels.

At the end, after they crafted their own tiny bee house, they joined them to a hotel complex.



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