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Fun with fear

From the 24 to the 31 of October, the volunteers of “Community Of Open Learners”(COOL) project and the team of International Initiatives for Cooperation (IIC), Razlog organized and hosted an halloween week. We facilitated crafting workshops, made a movie projection, organized and horror walk and ended with a nice party for the kids of Razlog.

Busy week :

Before going further in this article, let's take a look at the programme of this week filled with emotions and creativity.

24.10. : Costumes and decorations crafting

25.10. : Costumes and decorations crafting

26.10. : Pumpkin carving

29.10. : Horror movie

30.10. : Horror walk and Halloween party

Improving creativity skills:

During this week, volunteers and kids challenged their creativity skills. We managed to craft all the decoration we needed for the office and we carved amazing pumpkins with the kids.

For the next years to come, all of us in the office and the kids will be able to rely their capabilities to craft and carve and then be a master of Halloween wherever he will be.

« Coraline », an animated movie by Henri Selick.

This movie night was a way to entertain the kids the day before the party and a way to entertain the volunteers by scarying the hell out of the kids. This animated film is more award than scaring. It is perfect to show to kids of 10 years old. It makes them laugh and a little anxious but it doesn't freak them out.

Involving the kids to prepare their own party:

According to the spirit of non-formal education, we wanted to include the kids in the creative process of their own party, to empower them. Generally we had around 10 kids and their parents during the workshops. Then, due to that participation, mouth to ears worked pretty well and we welcomed at least 20 kids for the final event : horror walk and party !

Great personal investment from the volunteers :

Beside their general works, volunteers invest a great amount of time and energy. Face painting, recycled decoration of every kinds, pumpkin carving, planing of a horror movie and planing of an horror walk and a party. For one week, the office was in halloween mod. Everyone helped according to his skills.



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