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Diaries from Summer!!


Updated: Sep 13, 2018

As we have already announced in our channels Summer Academy project has been started since 4th of June 2018. Main idea of the project is to provide different activities for school children in order to have them spent their summer holiday entertaining and learning by acting.

Summer Academy project is organized by International Initiatives for Cooperation organization in cooperation with Historical Museum of Razlog. EVS volunteers of COOL project and Media for Youth projects of IIC organization are planning different funny which are also very teaching the kids in informal way such as activities are based in non-formal education methods basically.

During the past 2 weeks Volunteers have worked and tried a lot to ensure the kids spend good time and not to get bothered. Therefore switching the activities as soon as the kids get tired of was the main task. It was very intensive job for Volunteers to find, invent, discover, search different and many many activities for kids; and for kids to try to understand the language of Volunteers, to get to use to them, to try to remember their names and to switch to summer holiday mood right after finishing the school.

First week of activities were mainly different games; kids made race and learned how to work it team and encourage each other, kids drew different pictures and discovered their drawing skills, and sometimes they drew each other, meanwhile learned how they look through the eyes of their mates, they made jewelry, origami to improve their imagination skills, as well as they learned some new patterns from each other, they chilled out and released their stress after school.

Second week of the activities were mainly based on ecological activities of the idea was to draw the children’s attention to global warming and climate change processes and to teach them how they can contribute to the solution of these problems in their own context. This week COOL project volunteer from France Pierre tried a lot to invent new games and improvise the existing games into the kids’ level. This was very busy and effective week, that’s how volunteers summarize it.

Second intensive week has ended up with hugging the kids and saying them ‘thank you for participating in our activities and see you next week on Tuesday and Thursday.’ The kids were very sad for hearing that we will meet them only 2 days in a week starting from the next week. But what to do..

2 past week was very busy and challenging for kids and for volunteers as well. It was first introduction, the challenges finding different games for different age groups, failure of activities sometimes and rain sometimes.. However at the end everyone was happy. Volunteers and kids are already used to one another. Now the kids already know our names and they ask whenever some of us is missing, by our names even..

It was 2 weeks full of fresh energy. Everyone was happy. Kids’ hugging the Volunteers at the end was the best proof for that..

Starting from this week 18th June 2018 we are going to meet the kids every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the Summer holiday. If you are also interested in our activities feel free to come and see it in front of Historical Museum of Razlog.



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