Since September 2018, International Initiatives for Cooperation (IIC) French volunteers Pierre & Raphaëlle organized French classes for adults, youngsters and adults. On Thursday, December 6th we celebrated our last French class in a fun and greedy way!

Who are we? Pierre comes from Brest, northwestern France and Raphaëlle from Marseille south eastern France. Indeed, we are from two opposite parts of France. This was a richess for our students as they could enjoy and hear different French accents. Sometimes, we might confess it must have been confusing for them because we have both our own local and distinctive expressions, what we call “patois”. Anyway, if they go to France, they will face this kind of situations. So, good for them! :)
Our French classes were constituted by 10 sessions of 1h-1h30 and were ruled by non-formal educational methods. We did not want to teach French the way we were taught languages at school. To be honest, we thought it was a bit boring. We wanted our students to have fun while developing their language skills and their self- confidence . We used for our class a lot of improvisation games and different kinds of tools : video, movies, text, images, songs, ball games….
At the end of our sessions, how proud we were of our students who were able to speak, write and read in French. Therefore, we decided to prepare a little surprise for our last French class: homemade “crêpes “ ( pancakes) following two recipes, one from Brest and one from Marseille! Even for that, we are different. :)

Our last French class gathered kids and adult students and was based on several fun workshops for them to practice :
- Their audio skills with the “Cinéma, bonne séance”. We showed them two videos : &
- Their speaking skills with “Au théâtre, ce soir”. They were the actors of the play we watched
- Their reading skills with “Réveille-toi”
- Their “taste” skills with “Bon appétit”
- All they learnt during our classes with the other workshops!

We really enjoyed teaching French thanks to our team but also and mostly to our students who showed interest in what we were doing. Thank you to all of you and keep going. You were very good at French !
A bientôt !
